Uniphar’s Charity Partners

The Unity@Uniphar initiative is an umbrella for inclusivity, community and charitable activities that Uniphar colleagues get involved in across all divisions and geographies.

Our major initiative in 2023 was Unity for Hope which is now in its fourth year of raising money for cancer and mental health charities around the world. This is an activity-based challenge that encourages teams to raise their step counts. In 2023, we achieved our 20 million step challenge and we collectively raised €150,000 for mental health charities in Ireland, USA and UK all benefitting from our fundraiser.

Active Community Support

Supporting our communities is at the core of what we do. Across each of our three divisions, Uniphar provides vital medicines, the highest quality medical devices and access to life saving drugs both nationally and across the globe. During 2023, the Group sponsored a variety of local and national events including several Irish women’s hockey teams and local basketball and football teams.


Customer Privacy & GDPR

We are committed to protecting the personal data that we process as part of our service provision. We ensure that customers can trust us to keep their personal data safe and that they have a clear understanding of how and why the data is used. Uniphar has a robust Data Privacy framework in place, to ensure that we are operating consistently across the organisation and in accordance with applicable laws. Uniphar is subject to the GDPR standards which apply across the European Union region. The Group applies the following data protection principles:

  • Governance - We have designated Data Protection Officers within each division. Their role is to monitor, advise and inform senior management regularly regarding compliance.
  • Transparency - We are open and honest about how and what data we process. We only use personal information for specified fair and lawful purposes.
  • Data Minimisation - We only collect necessary and relevant personal information.
  • Accountability - We continually monitor and assess regulatory compliance. We provide training to all personnel.
  • Retention - We do not retain personal information for longer than is necessary.
  • Accuracy - We keep personal information accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • Access Rights - We respect individuals’ rights and choices.
  • Security - We use appropriate security safeguards to protect personal data.
  • International Transfer - We ensure protection for international transfers of personal information.
  • Privacy by Design - We implement appropriate measures to ensure the principles of privacy by design and default are embedded into our processes and systems.
  • Risk Assessments - We evaluate new business processes to ensure that they do not present any risk to data subjects.

The Group has a Privacy Policy which is available here and a Data Protection Policy which is available to the workforce.

Customer Welfare

The needs of our customers, the pharmacies, hospitals, manufacturers and patients we serve were paramount during 2023. Our can-do attitude coupled with our commitment to the highest standards of product quality and patient safety ensured this important item remained a priority throughout the year. Further details of our commitment to quality and ensuring patient safety are set out in our Governance, Quality and Compliance page.