Sustainability Journey

Uniphar has made significant process in recent years in the area of sustainability and has taken a further step in creating a Sustainability Roadmap. The Sustainability Roadmap details Uniphar’s plan to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and relevant legislations, our awareness and communications plan and the overall strategy for implementing sustainability at the core of Uniphar. In 2023 we published our Group Environmental Policy and became network members of the United Nations Global Compact. In 2023, we set firm sustainability foundations which we will continue to build upon in 2024 and beyond.

Energy Management

We recognise that our actions can have a lasting impact and we believe in protecting our environment for the benefit of future generations. As members of the United Nations Global Compact, we are committed to achieving our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Responsible Consumption and Climate Action.

We are now in our fourth year of Group-wide carbon reporting and the data gathered over this period has given the Group an understanding of the energy usage of the Group as a whole. The Citywest facility, our largest facility, has energy monitoring software, providing a granular view of electricity usage throughout the facility. This software has enabled us to identify areas of inefficient electricity usage, for example lights and electrically powered systems remaining on during non-operational hours. Using this information, we are able to develop systems and processes to reduce energy consumption.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2023, we completed the Group’s third Group-wide carbon footprinting exercise to assess our Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions (based on 2022 data) and we also completed our second assessment of our Scope 3 emissions. The outcome of that assessment was reported through CDP, and we were pleased to maintain our CDP score of ‘B’ in light of the increasing requirements.



In early 2024, we completed our carbon footprinting exercise in respect of our Scope 1 & 2 emissions during 2023. The results of this exercise are set out below (excluding entities acquired during 2023). In 2023, we saw a slight increase in Scope 1 & 2 emissions of 0.5% on an absolute basis. This represents a 21.8% overall reduction in absolute Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions since our baseline reporting year of 2019. The Group calculates its total portfolio carbon intensity by the volume of carbon emissions against our total revenue: the carbon intensity measurement decreased by 21% during the year.

According to the analysis carried out, a large proportion of the reduction in Group emissions, to date, has arisen as a result of a reduction in company car usage across the Group. We believe the rationale for this is that in recent years and post-Covid-19, our Pharma Division has shifted to an omni-channel engagement model which facilitates the teams to engage with healthcare professionals through media other than in-person office visits. We believe that the transition to the omni-channel model and modifications in the preferences of healthcare professionals will mean that emissions from company cars will remain significantly lower than pre-Covid levels. It is also noted with the increasing accessibility of electric vehicles, we anticipate this reduction to continue.

Uniphar will continue to ensure that our activities are aligned to energy reduction efforts through existing and new builds as well as the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives.

In 2023, we completed our second Scope 3 emissions screening with the support of external environmental consultants. This process identified the immense significance of purchased goods and services as a contributor to the Group’s overall carbon footprint. Our purchased goods and services category analysis was based on spend data which was inputted to the EEIO spend-based tool.



The Group formally committed through the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) to setting a science-based target in 2023 and, in early 2023, we submitted our targets for validation to the SBTi. We have progressed onto the final stage of validation and our pending validated SBTi targets are set as internal targets to reduce our absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 5% per annum between 2019 and 2030, in line with the SBTi 1.5˚ C aligned pathway for targets which would see us achieve our climate ambition of at least 50% reduction in our absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030. As of 31 December 2023, the Group has reduced absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 21.8% from our baseline reporting year of 2019.

As part of our commitment to SBTi, we have also submitted a target that 71% of our suppliers covering purchased goods and services will have science-based targets for emissions by 2027. In order to achieve this, we have started an active supplier engagement programme to work with our suppliers and partners in tackling the challenges of reducing emissions and identifying ways in which we can work together with them to reduce our collective emissions. 


Our ‘Green Teams’ functioning as part of the Environmental Working Group represent each division and assist with the technical information and implementation of environmental programmes. Uniphar Group supported externally facilitated training on the topic of decarbonisation, whereby each division member was tasked with assessing the emissions for their respective divisions and developing a decarbonisation plan outlining how that division could achieve our climate ambition of at least 50% reduction in our absolute Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2030. A consolidated output from that exercise is presented below and the Group is completing its decarbonisation plans which involves the timelines for implementation of these decarbonisation initiatives.

Group Environmental Policy

The Group has an Environmental Policy in place and outlines our responsibility and commitments. We are committed to driving positive environmental change within the integrated healthcare industry. We understand that environmental stewardship is not just a responsibility but a prerequisite for a sustainable future. These standards are communicated to, and expected of, all employees. A copy of our Environmental Policy is available here.

TCFD and EU Taxonomy

In 2023, there was continued discussion around environmental, social and governance matters and emissions management by the Board. The Board received regular reports from the Sustainability Council and considered specific climate-related risks and opportunities as part of its bi-annual Risk Register Review. Further details in relation to the Group’s actions, in alignment with Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are set out in the Annual Report on pages 54-56 (also inserted below).

In addition, the Group carried out its first assessment of the extent to which the Group’s activities are aligned to The EU Taxonomy Regulations and the results of this assessment are set out in the Director’s Report on page 110 of this report.


Sustainable Transport

We are conscious that a significant portion of our carbon footprint arises through outsourced activities such as logistics and through our supply chain and we are committed to working with our supply chain partners in this area.

In 2023, we launched our programme for supplier engagement and responsible sourcing, to ensure that the Group is working closely with its suppliers and partners to reduce our collective impact on the environment. The Group also launched our new Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Sourcing Commitment Statement in 2023, demonstrating our commitment to embedding sustainability across Uniphar and the broader supply chain.